Originally Distinct Touch as a massage clinic in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. After its owner began training in a naturopathic healing approach, she expanded the clinic to include natural therapies. The clinic then moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1997 and it was renamed Distinct Touch, The Bodywork Center, Inc. With its growing national clientele, Distinct Touch focuses on natural therapies and persistently addresses many stages of detoxification and wellness. Our staff continues to expand her skills to include new treatments and therapies through training and education. On October 13, 2011 we opened a satellite clinic, Distinct Touch II in the Metro Denver Area of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Her satellite office offers a select number of natural medicine services to clients in the Denver Metro Area.
Conveniently located in the Denver Metro Area, Distinct Touch is a natural health treatment center offering customized naturopathic treatment programs, therapies, nutritional counseling, and herbal supplements to assist in your detoxification and wellness program. Distinct Touch offers: Auricular, Biofeedback, Body Scan, Capno, Cranial Sacral, Cupping, Colonics, Iridology, Lymphatic, Q Energy Spa, Quantum Neurological Reset (QNRT), Raindrop, Reflexology, and other therapies to balance and improve your health and assist in detoxification. We are committed to providing the highest quality of treatment and supplements. Our staff is well trained, with certificates and degrees in the healthcare industry from quality educational facilities. We manufacture our own organic brand (Seven Buds) of all natural supplements.