Antonelli's Advanced Automotive was originally started by Mark and Andrea Faudre as Advanced Automotive early in the 1990s. In 1997, after working at the company for 6 years, Daniel (and Sandi) Antonelli bought the business and changed the name. With part time clerical help and loyal customers, the business flourished as a one man shop. In 2011, employees were added and now the business employs 5 people. Antonelli's Advanced Automotive hires trained technicians who are willing to stay on top of the latest technology in the automotive industry through ongoing schools and training. The shop takes pride in being up to date, clean and as efficient as possible to get your car, truck or SUV in and out as quickly as possible.
*Fluid changes and Tune ups* *Timing Belts* *Check engine lights and Computer problems* *Warning lights* *Brake replacement* *Battery and Starter replacement* *Electrical problem solving* *Alignment and Steering problems* *Transmission Problems and servicing* *Oil changes* *buyer checks when looking to purchase a used vehicle* *overall inspection* *mirrors, headlights, power window and lock repairs* *Toyota, Subaru, Honda, Nissan, Mazda repair* *Acura, Lexus, Infinity repair* *Chevy, Ford, Dodge, GMC truck repair* *Diesel repair and service* *Pontiac, Chevrolet, Ford, Mercury, Cadillac, Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth repair and service* *oil leak and coolant leak repair* *water pumps, hoses, gasket replacement* *diagnose stalling, no starting, hesitation problems*