Inspired and fascinated with holistic living, Ananda Asaya's founder Brittanie has been traveling an accelerated and potent path of holistic health care education for the last several years, and is a devoted passionista of walking her talk. Bodywork is approached with an artistic perspective while grounded in the health sciences. A mindful and intuitive integration of various bodywork and yoga modalities are orchestrated to assist the body in harmonizing to achieve an optimal, elevated state. Treatments are customized specifically for each client to intuitively inspire natural healing and holistic balance for each client. More Intention, Less Tension. Relax into Strength & Flexibility, blissfully balance through the art of Therapeutic Massage & Yoga. You deserve the best, & don't need to settle for anything less. Learn how good your body was designed to feel. Love your body, love your life. Not limited to, but including deep tissue to relaxation, headache relief & injury prevention.