I was only 12 years old when I first felt the loss of a loved one, my Grandmother was diagnosed with and died from an aggressive form of liver cancer. After witnessing the kindness and compassion that the nurses showed toward my Grandmother, I felt compelled to become a nurse. I wanted to be that compassionate and kind nurse for other cancer patients and for their family members. As an adult, I found myself living a holistic lifestyle as a way of self preservation, a way to protect myself from factors that would increase the risk of liver cancer. While working in the hospital, I realized how many patients did not understand how diet, lifestyle, and mindset impact their chances of getting or surviving cancer. Alternative Health Styles was created as an avenue to teach and support others how to live a clean, holistic lifestyle for wellness, disease prevention and cancer support. Blessings and love to all, Christine
Holistic Cancer and Wellness Support~ #1~In-Home Holistic Wellness Evaluation encouraging a more holistic lifestyle by incorporating organic non-GMO foods, the use of natural probiotics, nutrient dense foods, and coping mechanisms to help balance and stimulate the immune system. Creating an optimal healing environment that allows your body to do what it was designed to do, heal itself. #2~Cancer Bootcamp is a full embodied program that detoxifies the body and supports the rebuilding of the lymphatic and immune system through, cancer diet protocols, juicing, light exercise, reiki, essential oils, natural supplements, and cannabis oil. Holistic cancer therapies support the immune system rather than to cause further damage. #3~Cannabis facilitator and educator, I help clients to drop the stigma often associated with cannabis and teach them how to use it effectively in the fight against cancer and many other chronic diseases. I help clients to understand the types of cannabis available, the best strains to use for their ailment, how to process it into a useable full extract cannabis oil, and how to safely medicate themselves with their oil. #4~Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by