Shifu Sal Redner and a group of avid enthusiasts from San Pedro, California, established Wushu Shaolin Kung Fu during the turn of the century. Initially, the group practiced at the San Pedro Korean Bell and a local community center called Toberman Settlement Home. After many years, Shifu Sal Redner and Wushu Shaolin Kung Fu assisted countless youth, free of charge. Since then, the organization has blossomed into a worldwide network of practitioners that foster peace, education, and camaraderie.
Wushu Shaolin Kung Fu is among the leading Chinese Martial Arts schools in southern California. The curriculum includes many styles of martial arts, with a comprehensive emphasis in Wushu and traditional Shaolin Kung Fu. The facility is equipped with professional Martial Arts equipment capable of turning dedicated practitioners into season champions. Many of the students have excelled in national tournaments, winning Grand Champion titles. For students interested in learning at our academy, the facility is located in Gardena, California on the Northeast corner of Normandie Avenue and 137th street situated in the South bay of the Los Angeles, California Basin. It is a spacious 4,000 Square feet Martial Arts training facility dedicated to Contemporary Wushu and Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu. The facility is equipped with a seamless martial arts floor used for throws, sparring. grappling, and combat sports. In addition, there is a competition gymnastics spring board floor. The mats allow students to safely progress when learning rolls, flips, gymnastics, wushu, and aerial tricks. Wushu Shaolin Kung Fu is also equipped with kickboxing equipment, heavy bags, weapon racks, and a traditional Wing Chun Dummy.