Chloe Elias L.Ac graduated from the prestigious Yo San University. She believes that any condition can benefit from Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. It makes total sense to start here as it is incredibly non-invasive and proven to be very effective in treating a myriad of conditions. She has mostly built her loyal clientele through referrals and word-of-mouth.
We specialize in Pain Management, Digestive and Respiratory Conditions, Autoimmune Disorders, other complex Internal Medicine Conditions, and Preventative Health. In other words we treat conditions from chronic lower back pain and migraines, to IBS and allergies, to Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. In addition, we offer wellness treatments for those who want to boost their immunity, increase their energy levels, and reduce stress. Preventative health is the key to being healthy! We offer Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Cupping, Electroacupuncture, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Recommendations. We have a full in-house herbal pharmacy (which is quite unique in this industry!), so we can customize formulas specifically designed to suit you.