Established on January 27, 2011, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization the Veterans Supportive Services Agency, Inc. (VSSA) is dedicated to advocating and providing life-enhancing supportive services allowing veterans and families to be self-sufficient so they can live with independence and dignity. VSSA's core mission is to help injured Veterans apply for service connected disability compensation or to assist them to file with the goal to reach a level of service connected disability up to 100%, if so richly deserved. VSSA also helps injured Veterans who already filed their claims and/or whose claims were denied.
- Service- Connected Disability Compensation Application assistance - Special Monthly Compensation, including Aide and Attendance - Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Application Preparation - Obtain Basic Military Records (i.e., DD214) - Housing Referrals for Homeless Veterans - in partnership with Homeless Veterans Emergency Housing Facility and VA Menlo Park - Coaching and Counseling, including New Client Orientation and Burial Benefits Workshops