I was beginning to ask the big questions about life, why are we here and how does energy and vibration work. What is the Law of attraction and most importantly for me was understanding reincarnation and the process of how we are all made up of energy. How this energy never dies, but it can change from one form to another.
We all have recurring patterns in our lives; whether it is the same draining relationships, boss, meeting people betraying our trust or never enough abundance. We have picked up false beliefs and/or have not forgiven experiences as they are now dictating our present. This can be cleared for good. Things such as self-sabotage, procrastination, financial instability, and emotional instability (co-dependency, fear of abandonment, fear of success/failure) are some of the deep wounds that we have manifested throughout our lives which are asking for resolution. Through regression therapy I perform Inner Child healing as well as Past Life Regression. As I bypass the ego, I access the subconscious where the True Self lies along with all the direct beliefs and memories that are holding us back from our true potential. Healing and spiritual awakening take place on all levels: soul level, core level and even on physical level. Many of our physical symptoms, whether it is chronic pain in the body, migraines, phobias, eating disorders, OCD, or just wanting to find your life's purpose can be achieved and overcome through this process. Follow me on Social Media: FB page: Universal Iris Instagram: Universal_iris YouTube: Universal Iris