Pain Relief & Management Stress Digestive Health Autoimmune Disorders Chronic Fatigue Psychological & Emotional Issues Insomnia Hormone Balancing Immune Enhancement Women's Health Pregnancy & Postpartum Pediatrics Allergies Asthma Eczema Weight Management Smoking Cessation Nutritional Counseling Chi Nei Tsang - abdominal organs Qi transformation Earth Nourishing Medicine is dedicated to a fully integrative approach to healing. Patients can expect a lot of time with the practitioner in this practice. Uni spends a lot more time with her patients than the typical acupuncturist in order to learn as much as possible about you and be as effective as possible in your treatment. She will spend the entirety of allotted treatment time focused on you, utilizing the various treatment modalities specific to you and your condition. The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. - Thomas Edison