After receiving a clear revelation from God, Arelious Walker founded the True Hope church on May 12th, 1968. With four members strong, Pastor and First Lady Walker were committed to fulfill the will of God. Over the years the ministry quickly grew, with the capacity increasing to 175. After much prayer, fasting and fund raising; Pastor Walker and the True Hope Church family were finally able to purchase their first piece of land. In 1975 they were blessed by God to pay cash for the property of 950 Gilman Ave. The True Hope family was blessed to open the doors of their brand new church edifice in August of 1978. While membership continued to grow and the ministry strived, God continued to bless tremendously. Because Pastor & First Lady Walker obeyed The Lord, HE increasingly fulfilled every visionary promise as it was, for True Hope. In 2002 True Hope Church was able to expand and add an additional 30,000 sq feet, to house the rapid increase in membership.
Noon Day Prayer - Tues-Fri 12pm Intercessory Prayer - Tues 7pm Bible Study - Wed 7pm Sunday School - Sun 9am Sunday Morning Worship - Sun 10:30am