Our main purpose at True Healing Skin and Spine is to restore your internal and external mind body and spirit to its original state of homeostasis. We want to give you the tools to intuitively restore yourself and create space in your everyday life for true healing. We want to honor our environment as a gift and harmonize with its natural abundances, that is why our supplements, skin, hair and body products that we endorse must be organic, whole plant, raw, unrefined and biodynamically sourced from farms. We want to make the mindset of Holistic living and conscience environmental choices relatable and attainable to everyone. Both Dr. Richard Trujillo D.C and Ava Trujillo were born and raised locally in the inland empire and have proudly served our community for nearly 10 years.
Offering organic, whole plant, holistic skin care services as well as personalized Chiropractic care.