Totally Normal Chaos started as a freelance organizing business while owner Monica was in college and trying to make some extra money in the small amount of spare time she had while she went to school and was on the cheer squad. Leaving the idea behind to become a magazine Editor in Chief in Los Angeles, Monica couldn't forget the business she started. So, after her job was completed at the magazine, Totally Normal Chaos was started up, given a name, and Monica concentrated on people who were just like her; creative, fun and living a life of chaos. Totally Normal Chaos went from assisting individuals in the home to organizing small businesses and startups, creating fun organizing classes and a book about reigning in the chaos will be out in early 2013. Totally Normal Chaos serves Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and will expand a branch to Washington, DC in February 2013.
My goal is to kick your life into high gear by eliminating overwhelm, clutter, and the hold ADHD has on you, by giving you tools to become so organized and motivated that you can immediately use them to improve your home, relationships, health, business and life.