Welcome to Fairview Gardens, an organic farm that has been a staple of Santa Barbara's agricultural community for over 125 years! Fairview Gardens holds its humble beginnings with the Hollister family, who began farming this land in 1895. Over a century later, Fairview Gardens still flourishes, in part because it has constantly reinvented itself while development arose on its borders. Although the farm's status has changed numerous times over the century, it has officially been a non-profit in joint ownership with the Santa Barbara Land Trust since 1997. With a mission to connect our community to its agricultural roots, we provide fresh organic produce you'll likely never find at your local big-chain grocer. We welcome you to visit our farm and explore the land through your own perspective, offering a self-guided tour map and friendly staff. Our farmstand is open to serve you fresh organic produce from our fields as well as local farms across the area!
Local, Organic Produce Free-Range Eggs Cold Beverages Local Artisan Specialties Self-Guided Tours