The CSBMT is currently the only organization with Danis Bois Method certified practitioners and teacher trainers in the US. We are a Bay Area project dedicated to the dissemination of information about DBM. Our immediate goal is to provide outstanding, ongoing educational services by DBM-certified professionals in the forms of private sessions, group classes and workshops. We aim is to provide a solid base of compassionate support for DBM clients and students. Our long-term goal involves the promotion of community outreach initiatives: the Center aims to create a volunteer program that is attentive to communities that either cannot afford DBM bodywork or who would otherwise not receive information about this somatic practice.
The CSBMT - The Center for Sensorial Bodywork & Movement Therapy - specializes in supporting individuals who seek the following: *Life change support - grief, depression, anxiety, illness, life transitions. *Fascia, Muscle, Bone & Joint Health *Chronic Pain & Stress Management *Injurious Movement Habit Awareness *Vitality and Relief from Chronic Fatigue *Enriched Proprioception/Sensory Awareness & Balance / Sensory Rehab. If you seek change or emotional support and you are currently in therapy, I am open to working with your psychologist/MFT or psychiatrist. The Center exclusively specializes in the practice of the Danis Bois Method (DBM), a somatic technique that evolved in France from osteopathy and sensory perception clinical work. We offer manual therapy (DBM Fasciatherapy), somatic movement classes (DBM Sensorial Re-education), medication classes (Sensorial Introspection), and workshops for clients, companies and wellness-related professionals.