International Su Jok Association (ISA) The American branch of ISA has officially established in 2012. Su Jok means hand and foot. Su Jok roots in Chinese Medicine and usually give immediate visible results. Its founder Profesor park Jae Woo, from Seoul taught for over 20 years worldwide. Su Jok Therapy has been mostly taught to medical doctors since its beginning. Su Jok train doctors to treat their patients with accuracy and rapidity. Su Jok doctors teach to their patients how to heal themselves with their own hands. Most conditions show immediate improvement with Su Jok. It is completely safe as the treatment is performed on the hands. Anyone can help themselves and their family. ISA goal is to have a Su Jok doctor in every home.
Teaching Su Jok Therapy for physicians to treat their patients, and for patients to help themselves at home. Training acupuncturists and other therapists to become Su Jok practitioners. Providing guidelines, training, personalized healing coaching for self health improvement, literature, instruments, certification from the American branch of the International Su Jok Association: ISA USA. Interns physicians and acupuncturists from the US and all over the world are specializing in Su Jok Academy USA to become Su Jok practitioners and teachers. We currently teach and practice in Los Angeles and New York.