Stay Sharp may seem like a young business to some, but it really has been over 15 years in the making! After so many years of obsessing over knives, blades, and outdoor gear Stay Sharp was finally born in 2016! Collecting knives and outdoor gear has been a passion of mine since I was a young child (to my mother's dismay). I quickly came to notice how important it is to have your tools stay sharp at all times. This is what caused me to begin my research and development on all the ways to sharpen and repair knives. I soon began to do so on pocket, outdoor, and kitchen knives and tools for family and friends. Then what occurred is what we know as the snowball effect. Soon friends of my friends were inquiring about my services. Now I am beyond happy to say that Stay Sharp is open, and here to stay for business!
Stay Sharp specializes in sharpening knives, blades, tools, and whatever else you need sharpened! Besides sharpening, we can also correct any damages or cosmetic flaws that have come up with longterm use of your knives or tools. We provide top-quality service with reasonable prices. As a result of being a perfectionist, our work is guaranteed to meet (and even pass) your expectations! Drop off & pickup from my residence, or mail your items to me and I can mail them back sharpened and better than ever!