Skydiving Movie Productions, based in North Hollywood, CA, is a renowned company that has created awe-inspiring and adrenaline-pumping motion picture scenes for major entertainment studios such as Artisian Entertainment, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Disney, Columbia Pictures, Orion, and Tri-Star Pictures. They are not only involved in film production for feature films, commercials, and television, but also excel in capturing breathtaking still photographs that have been featured in prestigious publications like Sports Illustrated, Time Magazine, Guiness Book of World Records, and LA Times Magazine.
With a rich history in photography and cinematography, Skydiving Movie Productions has been recognized for their exceptional work by the German publishing company Blue Sky Editions, which has published a book dedicated to their achievements. Their blog provides insights into ongoing projects, news, and updates on their participation in skydiving events, world records, and training, making it a valuable resource for those interested in their work.
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