Shine Your Heart Healing began as an extension of retail business Shine Your Heart. Following the nudges within to embrace more of her path, Owner, Shawna Epps decided that helping people heal, and holding space for them while they do their work is the best way she can serve the planet. She worked for her license to practice Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) as well as her Master Reiki Certification. She is also an RYT certified yoga instructor. She recently moved into a larger space to expand her healing offerings as well as create a space for the modalities she's familiar with. She has been growing her team and the classes she offers to the public to help with their journey as well as building her one on one sessions for clients doing deeper work.
Shine Your Heart Healing is a center of light that offers the cornerstone pieces to spiritual awakening and development. This earthly life is meant to be a return journey to Self. From our own path of awakening, we share and teach you how to navigate yours. This life on Gaia is special and you are loved beyond words by Source energy. We want to be a part of your discovery of your multi-dimensionality, hidden sensitivities and show you your birthright as a soul on Earth. It is a beautiful journey and one that can be explored in so many different directions. We provide the foundations of breath, mind body awareness, feel of vibration and the knowledge you need to fly on your own via our weekly classes. Take a closer look and do deeper healing via our one on one energy and hypnosis sessions. Heal ancestral lines, past and present life trauma no longer needed and feel the rise of your vibrational frequency. We are one here, we are family and we move from LOVE. We look forward to meeting you.