Action K9 Sports, formerly known as the San Pasqual Herding Facility, is a renowned training center located in Escondido, California. Established in 1985 by Terry Parrish, the facility offers herding lessons to dogs of all breeds and ages, providing tailored instructions to accommodate the unique working styles of loose-eyed and strong-eyed dogs. With 6 acres of land, including various arenas and open fields, Action K9 Sports is dedicated to helping handlers and their dogs advance as a team in the exciting world of herding.
At Action K9 Sports, clients have the opportunity to work with a team of experienced trainers, each bringing their own specialized training background to enhance the learning journey. With a focus on providing valuable tips and inspiring stories, the facility also offers a newsletter subscription to support dog owners in their training endeavors. Whether you are new to herding or have years of experience, Action K9 Sports is the ideal destination to train your dog and embrace the fulfilling herding life.
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