We have 47 years experience in the fire sprinkler industry, 30 years of which operating Sam Cowell Fire Protection in the Napa Valley of Northern California. We remain the only full service company dedicated completely to the fire sprinkler industry in the Napa Valley. We are the leading authority specializing in California Title 19 Quarterly, Annual & 5 Year inspection & certification services. Visit us at napafiresprinklers.com to see all of our services.
We design, install, service, inspect, test, & repair all water-based automatic fire sprinkler systems & specialize in all types of residential NFPA-13D single-family & NFPA-13R multi-family systems. We are a leading authority specializing in California Title 19 Quarterly, Annual & 5 Year inspection & certification services on all systems. We also inspect, test, flush and perform flow testing on all types of wet fire hydrants & fire department valves & connections.