A courteous operator who takes your call and gets all the information professionally and correctly You want the Limo of your choice, whether a sedan, a stretch or any other type. You want to know the expected charges up front, with no hidden fees and no surprises You expect the Limo service to be flexible and accommodate any change in your plans Limo arrives at the pick-up point, on-time Limo driver is friendly, courteous and professional Limo is nice-looking, clean inside-out and professionally maintained Limo is driven safely and gets you to your destination in time and in style Multiple payment options are available, including credit card Charges are fair and lower than competition Delivering all these expectations every time for all our customers is what we do every day, and this is our pledge to you
Serving the Entire Bay Area Lincoln Town Car Sedans Various Models of Stretch Limos Luxury Coaches and Buses Black or White All Occasions Weddings Airport pick-up and drop-off Graduations and prom-nights Corporate guests and meetings Weddings and anniversaries Tourist trips School events and parties Napa valley and Bay Area tours Late night outings with friends Sample Rates Sunnyvale to SJC $45 San Jose to SFO $69 San Jose to OAK $85 Hourly Rates Available