Marc Sklar is the founding owner of Reproductive Wellness in San Diego California. He has extensive experience and expertise in treating and resolving the causes of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss with classical Acupuncture and Chinese Medicines. Marc Sklar and his associate Tamara Roe, work closely with patients to return them to optimum health, collaborating with a patient's entire wellness team of physicians and health practitioners, when necessary. They constantly strives to integrate traditional and complementary care in order to effectively improve and maintain his patient's life-long health.
We specialize in the treatment of infertility and other reproductive health conditions using natural infertility treatment therapies including Fertility Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition Counseling, Fertility Massage (Mayan Abdominal Massage) and Functional Medicine. Our clinical director, Marc Sklar, is a certified fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine. We specialize in the folllowing conditions: Menstrual related disorders Fertility Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Endometriosis Advanced Maternal Age Poor Ovarian Reserve Natural Fertility Support IUI and IVF Support Pregnancy support Miscarriage prevention Pre-Birth Treatment (labor and delivery support) Postpartum recovery Menopause Thyroid Disorders Metabolic Disorders