Elected in 1995, Ernie O'Dell has led the City Treasurer's Office in the effort to increase the city revenues through innovative changes and best management practices.
The Office is dedicated to provide the highest quality municipal treasury services at the lowest cost. Its main services include maintaining the custody and investment management of all city funds in accordance with State Law, City Charter, and City Investment Policy, providing administrative support and internal auditing services for major tax-based operating revenue sources, providing operating budget and capital improvement program cash flow management forecast and advisory support services. It is also responsible for preparing monthly and quarterly management reports detailing cash and investment positions within all city funds, providing operational and strategic forecasts of key tax based and other major general fund revenue sources, providing administrative support services and internal audit review of various city operational functions in response to service requests. Apart from this, it also conducts annual review of both the City and Redevelopment Agency Comprehensive Statement of Investment Policy and maintain policies' professional certification, provides managerial oversight of all city entities bond proceeds, continues implementation and review of numerous departmental best management practices enhancing both departmental productivity and the city's operating revenue base and provides internal support services to Financial Services and other key operating departments in response to internal support service requests.