We are central coast's #1 source for mobile home repairs & services with over 20 years of experience. Come visit & see us today for all your mobile needs. At Quake's Mobile Home Maintenance & Supply, our professional mobile home service will make sure that everything on your property is maintained to your standards. Our excellent mobile home maintenance staff will take care of tasks like earthquake bracing and mobile home awning installation and repair. We also offer janitorial services to leave you free to concentrate on other, more important matters. If you have a home you want to clean up for rent, an office to scrub, or any other cleaning service needed, call the experts at Quake's Mobile Home Maintenance & Supply in Grover Beach, CA today for a consultation. Those who are looking for quality trailer supplies and mobile home maintenance services can find it by contacting us at Quake's Mobile Home Maintenance & Supply in Grover Beach, CA. Call, email, or come visit us today!