Punjab Transport Department is a pioneer in using Information Technology to provide citizen-centric services. They started computerizing their department in 2011 with the implementation of VAHAN and SARATHI, and gradually all processes are being computerized, making data accessible through the internet or SMS. Punjab is the first state to successfully implement Vahan 4.0 web application and Sarathi web application across the state.
With 11 RTAs, 1 STA, 81 SDMs, and 32 Automated Driving Test Tracks distributed geographically in Punjab, the Transport Department ensures public convenience and caters to the vehicle population within the region. They offer services such as fresh learner licenses, fresh permanent licenses, certificate of registration for transfer of ownership, certificate of registration for change of address, and more. The department is committed to transparency and accountability in delivering public services, as mandated by the Punjab Transparency and Accountability in Delivery of Public Service ACT 2018.
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