Since 1996, PAYDAY Workforce Solutions has provided payroll processing capabilities, human resources support services, and time management and employee attendance systems to businesses of all sizes throughout Southern California. With significant experience in a broad range of industries, and our delivery of more features, more services, and more benefits at lower costs than other providers, we combine knowledge, expertise, and personal service to create meaningful, long-term relationships with clients. In turn, these clients turn to us, time and time again, for support based on the mutual trust we've established, and a strong commitment to their business successes. We are dedicated to delivering high-value personnel management, benefits administration, and payroll processing services that incorporate today's latest technologies, a strategic approach that yields results, and the flexibility required to meet a diverse spectrum of client needs.
Human Resource (HR) Support Capabilities: Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Applicant Tracking, Employee Background Screening, Labor Law Compliance, Pay-As-You-Go Workers' Compensation Insurance, 401(k) Administration, Employee Benefits and Benefits Administration Time Labor Management and Employee Attendance Systems: Biometric-Based Employee Attendance Systems, PC, Online, and Mobile Time Entry Applications, including GPS, Payroll Department Integration Payroll Processing and Payroll Tax Compliance: Payroll Processing, Paycheck Calculator, Payroll Tax Reporting and Compliance, QuickBooks Interfaces Please contact PAYDAY Workforce Solutions to learn more about these offerings and other services.