The business has been running for many years. With the arrival and new ownership of Pathways Medical we have incorporated even more innovative treatments and beneficial aid for nutritional well being and get better all lab values in an attempt to better and healthier balanced life and living. Not only is this a great option for people who want to get healthy but also for the healthy who want that better edge. Pathways is worldwide known and recognized. Patients from all walks of life, and practically every country have visited to maintain better health. There is no other like it. Unique in protocols and procedures.
Lab based nutritional consultation. IV based medical lab correction with a nutritional base. Natural vitamin supplements, weight loss, Iron Drips, yeast infection correction, cancer rejuvenation between treatments, immune boost, chronic viral/bacterial/fungal/parasite treatment, gout treatment, liver and gall bladder cleanse, lower cholesterol naturally, increase circulation, better sleep aid, increase energy, better hydration, correct anemia, decrease inflammation and arthritic attacks. Better fibromyalgia symptoms, aid in depression, etc. and attain general well being. Vitamin C drip, hydrogen peroxide drip, NAD, antifungal, Hocatt, which is an ozone machine, fitness drip, face cosmetic products, glutathione, HCL, B12, B Complex, Vitamin D shots, etc.