Open Architecture Workshop was founded in 2007 by Scott Glazebrook with an emphasis on promoting these three ideas: Regenerative Design * Contemporary Craft * Collaborative Innovation. Regenerative Design has its origins in the sustainable and green design movements but strives for a more holistic approach seeking catalytic interactions creating opportunities for environmental, social, economic, resource, and community growth. Contemporary Craft describes a hands-on approach to design; a return to authorship and pride of craftsmanship that both recognizes the consistent changes in the design, manufacturing, and construction professions that continue to change the way that we work. Collaborative Innovation recognizes that all participants in a project will bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, and passion to a project. Only through open collaboration and the strengths of intellect, observation, and experience can a design lead to true innovation, beauty, and value.
Open Architecture Workshop is a small local full-service architecture and environmental design studio focusing on innovative, sustainable, and contemporary designs for every project type and scale. We specialize in helping you navigate the planning, permitting, and community design review process. * Our emphasis on craft * Our commitment to community * Our focus on detail * Our dedication to continuity ...generates inspiration, confidence, and value. --------------------------------------------------------------- Our services include: * Architecture: full-service licensed architect * Feasibility studies: land use and tenant improvement * Land development entitlements: design and permitting * Environmental design and graphics * Furniture design * Product design * Development consultation * Code compliance * Pro bono and nonprofit services through The 1% * Sustainable and green building consulting * Architectural education