UNIFY Financial Credit Union
HistoryThe UNIFY Financial Credit Union story begins with our members. Western Air Federal Credit Union was established in the late 1940's to offer a better and more affordable banking option to airline employees. In the 1980's the name was simplified to Western Federal Credit Union to offer banking services to more companies throughout the country. Nationwide access began to grow with branches opened in Utah, Virginia, Los Angeles, and Camarillo. After multiple mergers, in 2016 Western changed our name to UNIFY Financial Credit Union. It's no wonder our commitment to YOU is providing access to innovative up-to-date banking products, competitive rates, and online or live services designed to improve your financial life.SpecialtiesUNIFY Financial Credit Union's goal is to connect YOU to a better banking experience. With great rates, fewer fees, a wide range of savings, lending, and digital products and services, and oh yeah, a lot of free--FREE checking, FREE eBanking and 100,000 fee-FREE ATMs. Open an account online today! Insured by NCUA.