I started my business just before the economy took a big slump. At that point I wire wrapped all my sea glass and over time became discontent with the ability to express myself as an artist. I decided to become educated in metalsmithing and it has made a world of difference in the quality of jewelry produced and how I feel about it. Many take jewelry and metalsmith classes but it's very few that continue on with their craft. I'm proud to have trained under the tutorship of Irene Mori who is a professor at El Camino College.
As metalsmith/jewelrysmith I love bringing the two worlds of silver and sea glass together. I also have been doing a lot of up cycling of old jewelry that my clients have inherited from parents, grandparents, etc. Taking the old stones and making new trendy settings for them has been very satisfying for my clients and me. It's nice to give new birth something passe.