After having practiced massage therapy for 15 years, I went back to school and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After getting my master's degree and license from the state of California, I started my acupuncture practice in 2001. Since then I have developed a flourishing practice with a wide range of patients. In 2006 I moved to Kensington (near Berkeley/El Cerrito). With over 39 years of experience in massage and acupuncture, I bring a broad knowledge of healing to my practice.
Greetings! I have a broad practice but specialize in pain (anything from back, shoulder, head to toe pain, and women's health (anything form fertility issues, pms to menopausal symptoms). I also see a number of patients for asthma, allergies, stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and symptoms associated with multiple schlerosis and Parkinson's disease.