The Mean Girl Extinction Project is a non-profit organization based in Windsor, CA, dedicated to ending girl on girl bullying. Through their hands-on assemblies, workshops, and service projects, they strive to raise awareness and encourage girls to create a culture of kindness in girl world. They also provide resources for parents and educators, recognizing their crucial role in supporting a healthy community for girls.
Founded in 2013, TMGEP initially started as an online support platform for girls facing mistreatment, but quickly grew into a trusted resource for parents, educators, and girls themselves. As a 501 C 3 non-profit organization, TMGEP empowers girls to recognize relational aggression and take responsibility in girl world, equipping them with the tools to cultivate healthy female relationships in their social circles. Their programs have received positive testimonials from students, teachers, and parents alike, making a lasting impact on the lives of girls.
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