Upon receiving acupuncture license 2001, Dr. Sang Jo Kim worked for an acupuncture clinic and owned an acupuncture clinic until 2008. Dr. Kim served as a faculty of South Baylo University from 2007 to 2011. In 2011, Dr. Kim was appointed to the Director of clinics and served until 2015. Dr. Kim worked in conventional medical treatment settings with medical doctors, clinical psychologists, and other CAM providers to offer patients expanded choices in healthcare and integrated treatment solutions. Dr. Kim serves Victorville community since 2016.
Try Acupuncture before Pills! Upon receiving acupuncture license 2001, Dr. Sang Jo Kim worked for an acupuncture clinic and owned an acupuncture clinic until 2008. Dr. Kim served as the part-time faculty of South Baylo University and Stanton University (A school of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) from 2007 to 2009. In 2010, Dr. Kim accepted a full-time position at the South Baylo University and began supervising interns doing clinical rotations then he was appointed to the Director of clinics in 2011 and served until 2015. Dr. Kim worked in conventional medical treatment settings with medical doctors, clinical psychologists, and other CAM providers to offer patients expanded choices in healthcare and integrated treatment solutions. Dr. Kim serves Victorville community since 2016.