Kairos Community was birthed out of a lot of prayers, pain, and desire to meet God in the context of community. We met as a core team for several months on Friday nights developing a common vision, language, and mission. We visited churches of all denominations and creeds together on Sundays and finally began worshipping in a living room at the end of 2011. We quickly outgrew the living room and moved to a coffee shop...then a church building, the third floor of an Urban Outfitters type store, another church building, an old bar and grill and now we are landing in a partnership with our Methodist friends in Quartz Hill. We have always been slightly nomadic and we like it that way (most of the time)...it keeps the MISSON at the for front and allows us to direct more of our resources into Staff, Resources, Mission, Charity and Community
We are a network of Nieghborhood Churches in the Antelope Valley area...God is at work all around us...we simply want to join in with God's powerful Spirit (The Spirit of Jesus) at work in renewing EVERYTHING