Joyful Life Healing, led by Dr. Jill Harrison Landsman, is a renowned acupuncture and herbal practice in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Jill, a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, combines her expertise in Chinese Medicine with psychotherapy to provide holistic healing for the body, mind, and spirit. With a focus on vibrational, spiritual, and energetic aspects of healing, she offers remote healing treatments, including acupuncture and Reiki, to ensure safe and effective care for her patients.
Dr. Jill's specialization in Chinese Medical Dermatology sets her apart, as she has undergone comprehensive programs in this field in addition to her extensive education in Chinese Medicine. Her individualized care and dedication to her patients' well-being have made her a trusted partner in various health journeys, including fertility treatments, hormone balancing, and pregnancy support. With a compassionate approach and a commitment to treating patients as a whole, Dr. Jill plays a vital role in helping individuals achieve optimal wellness.
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