Thank you for your interest in my unique form of Classic Dentistry as it was passed on to me from a lineage of traditional dentists that were trained at the world renowned USC School of Dentistry and other institutions. I have had my own dental practice for over 35 years after graduating with honors from USC School of Dentistry and being the inaugural officer of the Gnathological Molecular Dental Reconstruction Foundation as well as having a well versed background in both Homeopathic Dentistry and Cranial, Sacral, and Osteopathic training. In my classic dentistry training we never worked with materials that contained toxic chemicals, plastics nor performed needless procedures that could have a negative effect on the overall health of our patients. I provide the most professional, traditional restorative dentistry using only the finest classic materials.
When working together you will be working exclusively with me as I maintain my own boutique practice that has only one classic dental chair from the 1950's. We will not rush your procedures or my processes as each tooth requires it's own unique approach and attention. At every phase of the dental restoration process you will begin to notice subtle but profound changes not only in your mouth but these changes can also affect different aspects of your health and well being. So when we do a dental restoration, your dental needs is not the only area being affected, as I work from the perspective of what is best for your entire being. You see, restoration is my passion. I love to restore things back to their natural state and beauty. Nothing gives me greater joy than to combine my technical skills as a dentist with my artistic sensibilities that I have developed over decades of working on classic car restorations. This is my life, my art, and truly the gifts that I have been blessed with. Today, I share them with my patients. One patient said that I should call my office,