Born and raised in Kumamoto, Japan, Hiro Iwamoto was born with a weak eyesight and became completely blind at age 16. After losing his sight, he went through a period of struggle but found a new purpose in life in helping and encouraging others through his blindness. He has been in the oriental medical field for over 30 years and spent 14 years teaching and researching at the University of Tsukuba, School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for the Visually Impaired in Tokyo, Japan. In 2006 he relocated to San Diego, CA with his wife and daughter and opened his own practice in 2008.
Shishinjutsu Therapy provides relief for various health problems including: migraines, body ache such as in the neck/back/stomach, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), insomnia, and other forms of mental stress. Featured In: Blind Japanese sailor completes non-stop Pacific voyage - BBC News Brave, indomitable and pioneering: Local people who inspired us in 2019 - The San Diego Union-Tribune Five years after whale scuttled first attempt, blind sailor aims for nonstop Pacific crossing - The San Diego Union-Tribune