Quantum Ventura Inc. is a cutting-edge company that has developed the E-RECOV technology, a unique and coveted hybrid electrochemical and hydrometallurgical process for extracting precious metals and Rare Earth Elements from electronic waste. With funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and in collaboration with Idaho National Labs, Quantum Ventura Inc. has successfully built a prototype plant and demonstrated the ability to recover more metal from waste electronics while reducing chemical reagent use and lessening the toxicity of remaining materials.
The E-RECOV technology not only extracts precious metals and other metals but also recovers valuable and nationally critical rare-earth metals, which are currently vulnerable to supply disruptions. With a target date for spin-off in the first quarter of 2023, Quantum Ventura Inc. aims to commercialize this groundbreaking technology that offers significant scientific benefits, fiscal advantages, and the potential to mitigate the potential devastating blow to the U.S. economy caused by the supply disruption of rare-earth minerals.
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