About Acupuncture Acupuncture is a 3,000 year old holistic medicine, originating in ancient China. One of it's first recorded uses was to combat epidemic illness during the Han Dynasty. The practice of Acupuncture views the body as a microcosm of the Universe, therefore involving not only the patient itself in pathology, but also the patients natural surroundings and environment as important factors for diagnostic and prescriptive decisions. Chinese Medicine divides the body into many vital substances; Yin, Yang, Jing, Qi, and Blood. These substances are made and used within the functioning organs and their systems, which are organized and named by the Five Elements; Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. The Fire system is our Cardiovascular and Lymph system, Earth is the Gastrointestinal/Digestive system, Metal is Respiratory, Water is Adrenals and Reproductive, and Wood consists of parts of the Digestive and Endocrine system (namely the Liver and Pancreas) as well as the HPA axis.
Lauren practices Japanese Acupuncture and Meridian Therapy, deriving from Classical Chinese Medicine. She works with each patient to eliminate any ailments by activating the bodies innate immune response through Parasympathetic and Endorphin activity.