Healing Hands Acupuncture was started by Dr. Sahngjoon Lee. Dr. Lee obtained his Master of Science in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (M.S.A.O.M.) degree from South Baylo University in California and Doctor of Acupuncture & Asian Medicine. He is a Licensed Acupuncturist in California and a board certified Diplomate in Oriental Medicine from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). He is certified by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) in Clean Needle Technique. He completed Anatomy and Neurobiology certification course requirements at the University of California in Irvine. With over a decade of experience in the natural medicine field, Dr. Lee knows the power of acupuncture and natural herbs to heal the body and maintain lifelong balance. He is always excited for new patients, and is ready to help them on their journey to better health.
Acupuncture, weight loss, high frequency fat burning therapy, stress relief, pain control, cosmetic acupuncture, and infertility treatment.