With over 13 years of experience in the industry our team of experts are ready to help you choose the right TV for you. Every order is checked by one of our team to ensure the products you've chosen are suitably matched. We don't play games (after all we are selling TV'S not toys) we are always happy to answer all your questions regarding the condition of the product, features etc. If you've got a a problem or query with anything you've bought from us then we want to hear it. We've got a dedicated customer support team ready and waiting to deal with any of your issues, so you can be confident that there's always help at hand. Either pick up the phone and give us a call direct or send us an email.
We specialize in selling our customers televisions before mark up prices on name brand TVs including: Vizio, Samsung, and LG. We also give great rates for home theatre installations, TV mountings, and other products to fulfill your room's needs.