Hands-On Therapeutics [HTX], owned and operated by J. Salvadore Vega, began in 1989 as a concept of improving functional performance through comprehensive Bodywork. The service focused on health & stress management, but later grew to include the elder community to assist with regaining, or at least maintaining, what movement they had left after years of disuse. This led to working with a number of Bay Area chiropractors, and witnessing the good that conservative manual therapy coupled with exercise could provide. After training as a PT Aide, and later completing Chiropractic training in 1998, the HTX concept evolved to incorporate the clinical skills and diagnostic training gained to further enhance the delivery of Massage & Bodywork, while incorporating therapeutic exercise. This opened the door to being able to treat a wider range of patient complaints, since it was noted that most musculoskeletal complaints stemmed from a common history: disuse, or muscle deconditioning.
Our specialty is treating and resolving musculoskeletal disorders of the Neck, Shoulders, Back and supportive muscles, plain and simple. How we help is by combining the most effective