GO-FAME was originally started as an after school drama program at Minnie Gant Elementary School. The program is run by Kathy McGuire, Managing Director and Elaine Zofrea, Artistic Director. Kathy's 20 years as a business professional and Elaine's 25 years in professional Theater in NY and CA, brought us together to form this nonprofit company. We produced Alice in Wonderland in October 2005. Sixty students from grades 1-5 performed to full audiences in the University Theater at CSULB. Over the years, we have continued to produce one full-scale musical each year and the cast has grown to about 90 students per show. In addition to our shows, we have provided after school classes such as Introduction to Drama, Animation and Ballet Folkorico and adopted the annual school talent show. We now offer show opportunities through our show season and conservatory-style classes through the GO-FAME Performance Lab.
GO-FAME is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit theatrical producing and training program for youth, ages 8-18. Our goal is to work with the diverse youth population in Long Beach and bring them together in this collaborative art form. We provide a safe place for budding artists to develop their skills and nurture future patrons of the arts. Students of GO-FAME learn the confidence, camaraderie and focus necessary for theater and beyond. We instruct in all aspects of theatre production. Our staff includes professional artists in theatre and entertainment. Our productions provide our students the opportunity to work with top quality sets and costumes and offer our audiences professional quality productions. We look forward to helping create a tradition of theater-going as a family event.