Drs. Diane and Donald Gerken fell in love with Chula Vista in 1996 when touring a chiropractic business for sale. They closed the deal in 1996 and have been in practice over 25 years. They enjoy helping adults and families meet their goals. Donald specializes in pre/postnatal care and pediatrics. Diane specializes is sports medicine and injuries. Working together they've blended specialties so you can see either doctor no matter your goal.
Family Wellness Care, Pregnancy, Pediatrics, CranioSacral Therapy, Massage, Birth Trauma, Breast Feeding difficulties, GERD, Colic/Reflux, Bedwetting, Posture, Digestion /Elimination issues, Difficulty sleeping, Headaches, Earaches, Migraines, Weak Immune System, Sensory Processing Disorders, Behavioral Issues, Neck and Low Back Pain.