Dr. Shimokaji is a board certified ophthalmologist in the areas of cataract, glaucoma, strabismus, plastic surgery and contacts. Dr. Shimokaji specializes in the most current cataract procedures and technical advances while also providing comprehensive medical eye care. She provides preventive eye care for both pediatric and adults. Dr. Kitajima is a certified optometrist with additional qualifications and a residency in medical ophthalmic care from the Veterans Administration Hospital in San Francisco. Dr. Shimokaji also has special interests in Plastics and Skin Rejuvenation. She went to Honolulu, Hawaii for her Plastics fellowship and has multiple certifications in Plastic and Skin Rejuvenation with lasers. She has also been certified in Botox Cosmetics for over 20 years and certified in fillers such as Restylane, Perlane, and Sculptra.