Supplying Southern California and afar with fast, quality design, prepress and printing since 2003. We have succeeded by listening to our customers and offering a full range of high quality services including: full color and spot color printing for leaflets, folders and brochures and for stationery - including business cards, letterheads, invitations and envelopes.
Since 2003, we have provided our clients with exceptional service and print quality, from the graphics stage of their project all the way to the final presentation. Whether a client needs a simple business card,a detail oriented company catalog, or personal brochure, we have proven to be the best choice every time. We build relationships, not just a client base. From a client who has never needed a brochure, or has never had any printing or marketing need, to well established clients who know what they want, how they want it, and when they want it Edge Graphics has come through for them. We at Edge Graphics realized from the start that to build our company solely on the basis of product or price would be insufficient. In order to create a truly perceptible difference between Edge Graphics and our many competitors we had to meet and exceed the higheststandards of customer service with every single client. We succeeded.