Established in 20011 . Eco choice Attic CA is an extension of an Eco company located in NY . The SF location helps service local households treating a variety of different rodents such as rats, mice and squirrels which can contaminate the insulation inside the attic and ultimately cause allergies and diseases to the people living in the house. Daniel Cohen , President and Founder of Eco choice Corporation, with 10 years experiance in Attic and Duct Service Industry, moved on to start up Eco choice Corp. with the intention of creating a company with Customer Service at its core. The mission he had in mind was to provide a service that ultimately allowed customers to provide a better atmosphere for their loved ones and have this be done in the best way possible. As a company there have been rough patches and learning experiences through trial and error which have only helped Eco choice Corp. grow and succeed.
Insulation installation Insulation removal Attic/crawl space cleaning Attic/crawl space insulation Vapor barrier Rodent proofing Sanitizer Air sealing Radiant barrier New construction insulation Walls insulation