Jack studied in China with many famous doctors and has received Chinese licenses for acupuncture and Tui Na. Jack has been studying meridian therapy and Chinese herbs for nearly 10 years as well as curing eye illnesses with traditional Chinese medicine. His therapy makes treating eye diseases such as Presbyopia, Macular degeneration, Glaucoma, Cataract, Myopia, Astigmatism, Dark circle, and Floaters safer, faster, and without side effects. His therapy works extremely well on kid's eye diseases. Jack's therapy is now first introduced to the San Francisco Bay Area and is earning a high reputation. On the other hand, his meridian diagnosis and treatment combines Tui Na, acupressure, vital point, Qi Gong and muscle therapy. It has been proven that it works specially well for pian relief, health maintenance, beauty and weight loss, kid diseases, and Difficult Miscellaneous Diseases. He has been practicing