Eagle Builders specializes in the field of structural upgrading of buildings (commonly called seismic retrofitting, or earthquake hazard reduction construction) and earthquake damage repairs, many of which are of a historical nature, throughout the State of California. We have become familiar with the different types of materials used in construction (unreinforced masonry - URM - including adobes, brick, hollow clay tiles, stone, etc.) and the strengthening techniques required for their individual characteristics. During our long history in this field we have worked with many engineers who are recognized experts in this field, some of which include Kariotis & Associates, The Roselund Engineering Company, and Krakower & Associates. We have also participated with various institutions in preserving our heritage, such as The California Preservation Foundation, and The Getty Seismic Adobe Project.
Licensed general contractor in California since 1984, Eagle Builders specializes in seismic retrofitting and earthquake damage repairs. Selected by the engineering frim of Kariotis & Associates to participate in conjunction with the California Preservation Foundation and the California Chamber of Commerce, in reviewing the earthquake damage after the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 in five cities and to produce schematic cost analysis' for certain buildings (see