The Doggy Hydeaway may be only a year old, but we have over 40 years of combined experience with all types of dogs and other animals. Our unique set-up provides your dog with a natural habitat where a dog can be a dog. We will work with any dog, any type of behavior, big or small, and have an on-site behavior specialist who has an amazing gift with all dogs. Because we live on the property, your dogs are monitored 24/7. They sleep inside one of the two homes on the property with one of the resident pack leaders, and receive twice daily structured exercise, play time with other dogs, and lots of love and attention.
We are family owned and operated and provide a home-based, cage-free, dog boarding and day care service on a 10.5 acre property. We also specialize in Dog Behavior Rehabilitation and do in-home consultations to help people with their dog's behavior problems. We offer free shuttle service within San Diego County.